CNR Basketball: Rules

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By DonaldJennings


  • The “1 for 2” rule is in effect during the first 38 minutes. (*See the modification below that is effective in overtime and the last 2 minutes.
  • 1 shot for 2 points – All one-and-1 and two-shot fouls can be shot as a single free shot – A successful free throw will result in 2 points.
  • Modification – The game will be called according to MSHSAA / NFHS rules during the last two minutes. (Real CNR Basketball Rules).
  • 3rd-5th-grade girls must not commit free throw violations. 3rd-5th-grade boys can do the same. The free throw line must be positioned behind 5th grade girls and boys. The free throw line may be used by 3rd- and 4th-grade girls and boys. Officials may call off a rebound if the shooter uses it to his/her advantage, such as on a missed free throw.


  • Each half of play lasts 20 minutes. The clock will run continuously until the end of each half and 2 minutes into the second.
  • Each team receives a maximum of 3 one-minute timeouts per match
  • There are only two overtimes.
  • Each team receives an extra timeout in overtime to use in all overtimes. This is on top of the timeouts they already have.
  • Overtime 1: It will last 2 minutes. The clock runs for 1 1/2 minutes.
  • It will be sudden death in overtime 2. The first score of any type wins. The second overtime will last no more than 2 minutes. The clock runs for 1 1/2 minutes. The game will be deemed a tie if no one scores after the sudden death of 2 minutes.
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  • 3rd and Fourth Grade – Teams can press for the final 2 minutes of each game. Until the game reaches the last two minutes, pressing is not allowed. Overtime will not allow for pressing. The defensive team must withdraw to 1/2 court until the ball is secured.
  • 5th Grade – Teams can press in the second half of the game. Pressing will not be permitted until the second half. Overtime will not allow for pressing.
  • Any team that leads by more than 20 points is prohibited from guarding the backcourt. This applies to either half.


  • Every game site will have an assigned Site Supervisor. This person is available to assist with any questions or problems, as well as any other unusual situations.
  • Each team must provide one person to manage the score-sheet and run the scoreboard.
  • Warm up for 4 minutes and half-time for 3 minutes. The warm-up lasts for four minutes and ends when the last game is over. However, no games will begin before their scheduled start time unless both of the coaches have agreed to it.
  • While teams may have as many coaches as they like, the only rule that applies to them is that the head coach must address officials. The head coach will be the only one allowed to sit on the bench during the rest of the season if the team breaks the rule.